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There is no more valuable talent than not using two words when one is enough.

Thomas Jefferson

What do you think of Vivek?  Until I was asked about Vivek, I didn't know if it was a television or an electronic device or something like that. 

A few days ago a friend who lives outside Spain, with whom I exchange information and opinions, asked me what I thought of Vivek and sent me a link to a video of a woman. When I saw the video I realized that it was a person. The video contained a political debate between two U.S. Republican candidates, among them was the woman. I thought it was her. After watching it, I verified that it was a male and not the woman. I answered him by telling him that the politics of that country does not have much scope in Spain at the moment. Here the political situation is sufficiently convulsive and serious and as a consequence it does not pay much attention to that of other countries. 

In order to answer him, I researched and read in the international press to see who he was. I found out that Vivek was a young businessman with a brilliant resume and business career. His goal is to go into politics, as a Republican candidate in next year's elections, to become president of that country. His name is Vivek RAMASWAMY, a biotech billionaire of Indian origin who wants to emulate Trump, for whom he apparently previously felt great admiration. They call him the Trump Millenial.

I found out that he is only 38 years old. To begin with, I believe that such a young person does not have the necessary experience and ability to direct the destiny of the United States, even if they have the intelligence and training as excellent as the candidate has accredited. 

After seeing several news about him, I made the following reflection. To Vivek, I see his age and his desire to change as positive. Some of his ideas are great, such as thinking more about the values that unite us than those that separate us, unlike the defenders of the "woke" movement, which he attacks in a prominent way. Another appealing point is that he takes Thomas Jefferson's 10 philosophical points as an axiom, not a bad idea. But it is pure philosophy. As a motto it is fine, for a personal ideology. After all, it is a theory of its own to start the morning. Streamlining management and eliminating duplicity is another good idea, like doing away with the FBI, because there are other agencies that do those functions. It would be nice, but it clashes with U.S. history and tradition. 

I have observed lately how in the most advanced countries there is an incursion of businessmen, entrepreneurs, financiers trying to move into "politics". I believe that not all of us are good for politics, no matter how much money, training or intelligence we may have. The world of politics is more than just managing financial resources. Decision-making and the administration of power requires more than youth.  Other values and principles come into play, as we all know, such as the formulation and application of laws, the administration of resources, and the management of issues that affect the society of the place where you work, and in the case of the United States, the whole world. Not everyone possesses these qualities.  I have seen excellent civilian and military managers fail in trying to carry out public policy. Governments of technocrats have never succeeded. I believe that politics made by businessmen, with mercantilist ideas are not good either. Trump and Berlusconi, Mario Conde, Jesús Gil y Gil are examples of this.

Finally, this is the decalogue of Vivek RAMASWAMY, following the former president of the United States.

1 "The happiest man is he of whom the world speaks the least, whether for good or ill."

2 "The man who is not afraid of truths, has nothing to fear from lies."

3 "There is no more valuable talent than that of not using two words when one is enough."

4 "One should not be too severe with the errors of the people, but try to eliminate them by education"

5 "Men cannot be expected to be transferred from despotism to liberty in a feather bed"

6 "I am in favor of a government that is vigorously frugal and simple."

7 "A wrong opinion may be tolerated where reason is free to combat it"

8 "It is not riches or splendor, but tranquility and labor, which 

that bring happiness".

9 "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past".

10 "Money and not morality is the principle of strong nations".


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